5 Tips To Change The Way You Think About Food

5 Tips To Change The Way You Think About Food

For many of us, it seems that there is one four-letter word that will send a lot of people running away. This word begins with an “f” and it’s always around. Many of us seem to have a love hate relationship with this. It is something that you absolutely can’t live without, but it can be hard to live with.

An issue that affects thousands of Americans is food addiction.  Can you guess what the most common food addictions are? According to the Food Addiction Institute, the most common food addictions are sugar, flour, grains, salts or any food that contains a combination of these ingredients. These food addictions lead to overeating, purging and binging.

5 tips to change the way you think about food

Your Attitude Towards Food

Think about your attitude when it comes to food. When you eat, do you eat to live or do you live to eat? If you live to eat, I’m sure you have come to realize that this is an area you have to work on. Food should not be used as a reward, or seen as the main source of comfort in times of distress.

Don’t be afraid to see a qualified professional who will be able to help you figure out if you have a food addiction problem. If they decide that it is an issue, they will be able to put together a treatment plan to deal with the problem.

Use Food For Sustenance

Keep in mind that your diet affects the health of your mind as well as your body. If junk food is all you eat, you will end up consuming foods that deprive your body of key nutrients it needs to thrive.

Avoid Crash Diets

Going on a strict diet is typically not the answer. People usually are not able to maintain a strict diet over time, and end up going back to their old eating habits. In the long run it’s better to make healthy lifestyle changes that include eating whole foods and being conscious of portion control.

5 tips to change the way you think about food

Take Care Of Yourself

Remember, self-care is the key. Unfortunately, we are constantly being bombarded by the mainstream media’s idea of what “perfect body” looks like. Don’t be overly critical of yourself. This will only lead to a defeatist attitude. No one is perfect, and you will make mistakes over the course of time. Don’t forget you are aiming to make progress each day. You are not trying for perfection. Many people make unhealthy eating decisions because of their emotions. When there’s loneliness, pain and stress a person may eat to feel better. However, after eating they may then feel shame and guilt. To make thing worse, the eating doesn’t change anything and the feelings that triggered the emotional eating are still there.

Avoid Emotional Eating

You cannot cope with destructive emotions by eating. With time you can learn sensible ways to cope with emotional distress that do not include eating. A few of the skills that you can use to deal with negative feelings are seeing a therapist, engaging in activities that promote health and wellness, and talking with friends. In 2013 they performed a study with 68 people. The participants in this research were asked to not eat for 5 hours before the study.

Avoid Shopping When You Are Hungry

The study participants were then randomly assigned to two groups. One group was given a plate and food and asked to eat until they were no longer hungry. the members of the other half of the study were not given anything to eat. All the members of the study were then told to shop in a simulated online grocery store that was stocked with a mixture of low calorie foods and high calorie foods. The low calorie foods were such things as fruits and vegetables. The high calorie foods included items like candy, red meat and salty snacks. The members of the study that were hungry ended up choosing a greater amount of higher calorie foods.

This shows that when you shop for food while hungry you will make bad decisions. So, be sure to always shop for food when you are not feeling hungry. If you keep these tips in mind, this will help you to stay away from situations that lead to making negative decisions about food and eating.

5 tips to change the way you think about food

Relevant Hashtags: #foodaddiction #food #foodaddict #healthyfood #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #eatinghealthy

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A Comprehensive Guide to The Process of Plastic Surgery

With plenty of shows like Extreme Makeover, Nip/Tuck, and the advent of the Discovery Health Channel, the idea of plastic surgery has been gaining a lot of ground. But just because you can get plastic surgery, it doesn’t always mean that you should! As a matter of fact, a lot of the things that women want to repair with plastic surgery can be remedied without the costs or risks that surgery entails. When it comes down to it, how sure are you that plastic surgery is your best (or only) option? You’re just about to find out!

Should You or Shouldn’t You?

Wondering if plastic surgery is the only way to fix your flaws? Honestly, it probably isn’t. You’d be surprised at the number of different maladies that don’t require plastic surgery to treat or correct. Instead, they can be treated with less invasive options like Botox, acidic peels, microdermabrasion, or even over-the-counter remedies.

Which ailments don’t require surgery?

Dark, under-eye circles

Fine wrinkles under the eyes

Smile lines around the eyes

Dry or blotchy skin

Discoloration or other pigmentation problems

Those little lines at the corner of the mouth (they look a bit like parentheses)

Vertical frown lines between your eyebrows

Fine wrinkles on your cheeks

The infamous double chin

Or a slight fullness (or plumpness) along the jawline.

– Conversely, the following conditions can only be remedied by a skilled plastic surgeon:

Excessive eyelid skin

Puffiness or deep under-eye circles

Deep vertical frown lines between the eyebrows

Jowls hanging over the jawline

Hanging skin and deep facial wrinkles

Very lose neck skin

Loss of cheek fullness

A nasolabial fold (a deeper, more severe version of the nasolabial line) etched into the skin.

You’ll notice that we didn’t list a few cosmetic surgeries you might have expected, like breast augmentation, nose jobs, and so on for a very simple reason – the emotions and the importance of major surgeries like these is hard to measure on the Should You or Shouldn’t You scale. If you’re in the market for this type of surgery, don’t worry. Your plastic surgeon will help you by going over the reasons, options, and other tough-to-work-out issues before any surgery is performed.

Regardless of whether or not you ultimately decide to have plastic surgery, it’s very important to pick up all of the facts. Any type of surgery, no matter how seemingly minor, comes with serious risks and discomforts. If you’re still convinced that surgery is your only way to regain your full confidence, do your homework and find a well-trained, highly recommended surgeon to guide you through the process.

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How the Court Determines Child Custody During Divorce

A child custody proceeding is any case involving child protection, adoption, guardianship, termination of parental rights, or voluntary placement of your child.

The support order will be based on the child’s needs, obligor’s ability to pay, custody arrangements, and the child support guidelines. The Criminal Code makes it an offense to abduct a child to spite a custody order. A custody order establishes both the custody and parenting time arrangement for the children. Your child custody order is also confidential.

When an unmarried mother has a child, the mother has legal custody of that child until a court says otherwise.

During divorce, marriage, or annulment proceedings, the issue of child custody often becomes a matter for the court to determine. The Court must consider the following factors in every child custody decision under the law regarding the best interest of the child. The court retains the power to alter the custody arrangements until the child turns 18 or is emancipated.

You may contest custody, child support, and alimony, and property division by appearing in court and filing appropriate legal papers. At the hearing, the court shall hear evidence to determine whether the child custody and support determination should be modified. The fact that one parent has been the child’s primary caretaker is often considered but is not enough to guarantee a custody award. It is not that unusual for middle-class parents to spend $60,000 on a divorce and child custody fight. Traditionally, divorce in the United States results in one parent being awarded primary custody and decision making for a child.



Custody means that a parent has legal custodial rights and responsibilities toward the child.

Joint child custody means that both parents have the legal custodial rights and responsibilities toward a child. Joint custody allows both parents to have a say in the child’s upbringing. There is no evidence to support that a presumption of joint custody is in the best interests of children. A study found that only when parents were still actively fighting did joint custody exacerbate children’s feelings of being torn between parents. However, when both parents favor joint custody, it can be a good solution for the children. Some parents have chosen a joint-custody arrangement in which the child spends an approximately equal amount of time with both parents. Some states award joint custody in which the judge simply divides the child’s time between the parents. Joint custody does not mean simply alternating where the child lives from time to time. In fact, there may be legal joint custody, but the child may live with only one parent.

Legal child custody includes the right to make decisions about the child’s education, religion, health care, and other important concerns. A child may be placed in foster care while a custody case is pending. Legal custody means the right to determine the child’s upbringing, including education, health care, and religious training.

Physical custody and residence means the routine daily care and control and where the child lives. Physical child custody is awarded to one parent with whom the child will live most of the time. In most cases, both parents continue to share legal child custody but one parent gains physical child custody. There is also a presumption that it is in the child’s best interest to be in the custody of a parent over a non-parent.

Visitation rights allow the non-custodial parent (the person without child custody) time to spend with their child. A common arrangement is that one parent gets custody of the child and the other parent is given visitation rights.


A child custody evaluation is a report written by a neutral professional about you, the other parent, and your children. It is usually not necessary that formal psychological tests be administered to each parent in the context of a child-custody evaluation. The primary purpose and focus of the custody and/or visitation evaluation is to determine what is in the best interests of the child. Comprehensive child custody evaluations generally require an evaluation of all parents/guardians and children, as well as observations of interactions between them. The children are also evaluated in a custody/visitation evaluation.


Because of the complexity of child custody matters and the importance of the outcome, it may be advisable to contact an attorney. The attorney should know several child custody evaluators or guardian ad litems that they have worked with successfully. If you proceed with a child custody action without an attorney, you are acting as your own attorney.

In a child custody dispute, there are rarely winners, frequently everyone is a loser, and the biggest losers are often the children. When women fear losing custody of children the stress can be overwhelming. However, in many cases, women are favored as holding custody of their children.

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10 Reasons Why Too Much Sugar Is Bad For You

From instant oatmeal to salad dressing, added sugar can be found in all sorts of products you may not expect.  Many of us rely on processed foods for quick meals and snacks. The problem is that these products often contain high amounts of added sugar. Across the United States, added sugars account for as much as17% of the total calorie intake of adults and up to 14% for children according to the National Institute of Health.

Here are 10 reasons why sugar is bad for you:

10 reasons why sugar is bad for you

  1. Negative Impact On Your Immune System – Consuming too much processed sugar reduces you body’s ability to kill germs. In fact it doesn’t take a lot of sugar to have this effect. Drinking just two sodas can inhibit the ability of your body to fight off that flu bug and lead to falling ill. When it comes to health, including dental health, avoiding added sugar can boost your immunity exponentially.


  1. Throw Off Mineral Balance – If you are having difficulty sleeping at night or experiencing constipation and other problems, this could be because there is in imbalance of minerals in your body. If you consume large amounts of sugar, you are likely depleting your magnesium stores to process all of it. In addition, you will lose more chromium through your urine if you are eating a lot of sugar.


  1. Behavior Problems In Children – Every parent on earth will tell you that sugar affects the behavior of their children. If a child is hungry and their blood sugar is low, they will be sleepy and grumpy. If a child has an overdose of sugar, they will become agitated and animated and practically start bouncing off the walls. The key to better behavior is better blood sugar balance.


  1. Empty Calories –  Processed sugar has no health benefits whatsoever. Because of this, when you eat meals with a lot of sugar, you’re eating empty calories that lead to weight gain. The fact that in processed foods you often find that sugar is combined with fat and salt to make the effects even worse.
  1. Affects The Body’s Insulin Response – When your insulin response is healthy, your cells will release the right amount of insulin when sugar is present. However, if you regularly consume large amounts of sugar, your body will become confused about when to release insulin and when not to. This can eventually lead to Type 2 diabetes.

10 reasons why sugar is bad for you

  1. Damages Cells and Tissues – The tissue in your eyes, kidneys, nerves and more seem to carry sugar a lot longer than other organs. This means that the body can suffer damage from that remaining sugar because it damages small blood vessels.


  1. Elevated Blood Triglyceride Levels – Consuming too much sugar leads to high blood triglyceride levels. The only way to know if your triglyceride levels is high is to get a blood test.
  2. Anxiety – Refined sugars tend to enter the blood stream extremely fast, and leave the blood stream just as fast. This process can lead to more anxiety overall. Even though often people who are addicted to sugar eat to suppress anxiety, this is just making the problem much worse. It’s best to avoid added sugars in the first place.
  3. Poor Concentration – The reason sugar may affect concentration is because of the speed in which processed sugar can enter blood cells and then leaves them. A person needs a balanced level of glucose to feed the brain, not short bursts of sugar such as in the form of soft drinks or cereal.


  1. Poor Digestion – Processed sugar is extremely acidic. Processed foods and sugars can cause inflammation in your stomach, decrease acid activity, and trigger acid reflux symptoms.

Keep in mind that each person is affected differently. It’s best to look at your own symptoms and health issues and if you have any of these problems, consult your physician and try eliminating processed sugars from your diet to see if you notice any changes in your health.

10 reasons why sugar is bad for you

Relevant Hashtags: #sugar #diabetes #type2diabetes #prediabetes #gerd #acidreflux #concentration #anxiety #highcholesterol #immunesystem #prediabetes #metabolicsyndrome

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The Ultimate Guide to Know the Difference Between Good and Bad Fats

For most of us, eating is one of the most satisfying things we do in our everyday lives. As a matter of fact, we have our favorite dishes, favorite drinks, and favorite snack foods which only proves that eating is one of our favorite activities. There’s really nothing wrong with that since food, a primary necessity of man is the one responsible for making us healthy, fit, and giving us energy to perform everyday tasks.

But improper intake of food might do us more harm than good. Proper information about healthy eating should always be at hand so that certain illnesses can be prevented, and as for the case of obesity, it can be treated through fat burning and weight loss.

A common misconception in the area of food and nutrition is that fat is always bad. But is it really? Fat is the body’s major energy storage system. When the energy from the food we eat and drink can’t be used by our body right away, the body turns it into fat for later use.

The body uses fat from foods for energy, to cushion organs and bones, and to make hormones and regulate blood pressure. Some fat is also necessary to maintain healthy skin, hair, and nails. Thus, one should not eradicate all fat from the diet. But, too much fat can lead to many health problems such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and more.

We can determine that not all fats are created equal and knowing the difference between the bad ones and the good ones will lead you to make healthier choices. There are saturated fats – the unhealthy ones and unsaturated fats – the good and healthy ones.

Let’s review each and see just how different they really are.

Saturated fats, which are generally solid at room temperature, are the least healthy and tend to increase the level of cholesterol in our blood. They are also largely responsible for causing artery blockage which leads to eventual heart failure. Foods that contain saturated fat include butter, cheese, margarine, shortening, tropical oils such as coconut and palm oil, and the fats in meat and poultry skin. Consumption of these oils and foods should be limited. Otherwise, they may bring serious health problems.

Unsaturated Fat: Healthy Ones

Unsaturated fats reduce blood cholesterol when they replace saturated fats in the diet. There are two types of unsaturated fat: monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat. Monounsaturated fats have been shown to raise the level of HDL (the ‘good’ cholesterol that protects against heart attacks) in the blood, so in moderation, they can be part of a healthy diet. This is why they are known as good fats. Olive, canola, and peanut oils are good sources of monounsaturated fats.

All fats, even the good ones will still make you gain weight if too much is consumed. The key here is to keep all fats in moderation but try to make the majority of your fat intake come from the good ones whenever possible. No more than 20% of your daily calorie intake should be from fat of any kind, especially if you are trying to lose weight.

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Weight Loss Tips And Diet Information

Even the most seasoned weight loss expert can use some weight loss tips every so often. Our eating habits are tied very closely with our behavior and using a behavioral approach to dieting can be beneficial to certain types of people who have bad eating habits that can be overcome with a little behavioral intervention.

Many times an individual eats without thinking. This means that the person’s habitual behavior has overrun his cognitive functioning. In a nutshell, we basically shove food into our mouths just because it is there. Among the many weight loss tips offered, thinking before snacking is the prime tip as far as the behavioral approach goes. When we act on impulse, we rarely make good choices.

The behaviorist will look at the problem in a number of ways. The best approach would be to get into the habit of slowing down a little. Some good weight loss tips include waiting ten minutes before grabbing that snack that is calling you from the pantry. You may discover that you are not starving. If you wait ten minutes the craving will most likely go away on its own.

You can also opt to go for a brisk walk when the urge to cheat on your diet arises. This is a great way to get much-needed exercise along with self-control. You will be less likely to run to the pantry upon entering the home after a jaunt around the neighborhood. You will be more likely to go for a big glass of cold water instead.

Some people laugh at these two weight loss tips, but they do work if you take a behavioral approach. You have to focus on your actions. The best way to look at it is by making priorities. Do you want the chocolate cake or do you want to fit into those jeans tucked away in your closet? There are times that the chocolate cake will win but not often if you focus on your behavior.

Weight loss tips that involve a behavioral approach also include portions. We often need to train ourselves to understand how much is enough. Getting into the habit of buying single-sized servings or taking the time to measure will increase your chances of success.

You also may find that there are certain triggers that cause you to eat. This is a simple stimulus-response cycle that the behaviorists claim can be broken with a little effort. Weight loss tips in the trigger realm include avoiding the kitchen right after a stressful situation, eating only at the dinner table, and keeping a diary of what happens right before you get a craving.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Get Started with Calorie Shifting Diet

Most of us find diets really exciting since they prove to be the fastest ways of knocking off our extra pounds. We get attracted to diets that claim they can help us lose 6 pounds or more in just a week. Do all of these diets actually work? Can we actually lose weight in just a week’s time? And is that healthy? To answer your questions, not all diets are genuine. There are many diets that will claim to help you lose weight but some of them may not do that.

Some of them are healthy and some of them are not. So you have to be careful about which diet you decide to follow. However, diets that work along the lines of the calorie shifting principle are very genuine and effective. They do help you shed your extra pounds and in a way that is not harmful to your body. The most famous of calorie shifting diets are the “fat loss 4 idiots diet”. This diet proves why other diets are most unhealthy and prove to you a good scientific method of losing your excess fat.

Some of the most common diets work at reducing your calorie or food intake for an extended period of time. This helps you to begin losing weight. But more often than not, you start putting on weight even while still following the diet. The weight loss does not last long enough. This is because our bodies have been designed in such a way that if you give it a considerable amount of time, its metabolism adjusts to whatever your intake is be it less of carbohydrates, fats, or proteins or just less intake of the quantity of food.

The fat burnt is proportional to the rate of metabolism. If your metabolism is fast, you will burn calories fast too. If metabolism is slow, naturally the rate of burning calories will be slow too. Lesser the food intake, the slower the metabolism. Most of these diets are all about taking in fewer calories and hence lesser calories are burnt up as well. And if you go out on a binge even on one day, you will land up putting on even more weight since your metabolism will be slow and you will not be able to burn much fat.

The calorie shifting diets do not work like other diets. They have a scientific background. They understand that the rotation of an eating routine is required in order to keep our metabolism high at all times. The higher the metabolism, the more the calories burnt. The diet encourages the rotation of foodstuff. It allows you to eat one type this week and to change it next week. So basically you eat a new type of food every week. Your diet this week will not be the same as last week. This way your metabolism will be always high, thus burning out more and more calories.

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Should an Article Directory’s Page Rank Concern You

Everybody knows that Page Rank is important. It indicates the content volume of a site, and it also proves the site’s popularity, or how many external links it has pointing to it.

We all strive for the highest Page Rank we can muster for good reason. Having a high ranking means traffic, and traffic means more sales potential.

Which is why we write and submit articles. Placing articles on your site increases its relative content volume, and submitting the articles with a bio box creates external links pointing to your site.

It’s all about exposure! The more we have the more profit we make.


But then the plot thickens . . .

Site Popularity doesn’t come from having your links just anywhere. You see, there’s a method to the madness that brings it all full circle.

To achieve a higher Page Rank through external links, you need to put your articles on sites that have an equal or higher Page Rank than yours does.

But does this apply to Article Directories?

If you’re one who submits articles manually and are under time constraints, the quick answer would be yes, it does apply.

You have only so much time to get your articles into sites that will bring you the quickest exposure you can get.

However, when we look at Page Rank for Article Directories in these times of rapid-fire article submission software, services and scripts it becomes hard to judge the validity of the everyday statisics.

Some Article Directories of late have appeared out of nowhere one week, and the next have well over 1,000 articles already submitted to them. After a month’s time, some have even reached the 5 to 10 thousand article mark.

Now considering that Google adjusts a site’s Page Rank every three months, an Article Directory could show a big fat “0” Page Rank one day, and after Google makes their adjustments, could climb to a PR4 or PR5 the next.

So, thinking logically, the only time an Article Directory’s Page Rank should concern you is the day after Google makes its adjustments.

And even then, that would still only matter if you’re in a time rush to get quality links to your site and manually submit to 5 to 10 of the best-known sites to do it.

So the answer is twofold . . .

For those who submit their articles manually, yes, the current page Rank for Article Directories should concern you.

But for the rest of us, what should matter most is that, when you submit to every possible site you can, you’re helping to establish more Article Directories with a higher Page Rank than ever before!

This can only bode well for everybody.

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Diagnosing Depression: What You Need To Know

It is unfortunate that there is no test known to detect depression. A diagnosis is generally made if an individual suffers from a persistent low mood. This low mood has a tendency of affecting the everyday life of an individual. If one encounters five or more symptoms for a period of two weeks, they are diagnosed as suffering from depression.

When seeking treatment for depression your general practitioner can most commonly treat you if you are suffering from depression. Often one may have to seek the help of a counselor, which is attached to GP surgeries. If one’s diagnosis is found to be unclear, or the individual seems to be particularly ill, The GP may prefer to send the individual to a psychiatrist. Often there are community psychiatric nurses, that may be referred by an individual’s GP or psychiatrist. Others suffering from depression may be seen by psychotherapists.

Often humans experience bad times in their lives. At times one may be able to sit down and down to a friend or neighbor and talk through the problem. There are often times when that isn’t enough, and one may need to seek professional help. Just remember that depression is treatable. Treatment may include medication as well as psychotherapy.

You may wonder what psychotherapy is. This is being able to simply talk to someone or your doctor about your problems or situations, which can help to a great degree. It is always better to talk your problems out than to keep them bottled up inside oneself. If you should need formal psychotherapy counseling that would include cognitive behavioral therapy; interpersonal psychotherapy; or psychoanalysis.

Psychotherapies are very effective just like medication if taken properly. For more severe cases of depression, medication is just likely to be needed but is supplemental with psychotherapy.

The type of therapy depends on the problems one may be suffering from. This is the doctor’s call. There has been no indication that one therapy is better than another.

Antidepressant medicine is used to help correct one’s low mood, and any other problems one may be suffering from during one’s episode with depression. They don’t change one’s personality, and they are not addictive.

There have been many new antidepressant drugs in recent years. The main advantage of these medications is that they tend to have fewer side effects than past drugs, and they seem a lot more pleasant in taking. Your doctor will choose the correct medication for you and your particular symptoms. Antidepressants do act on the chemicals in the brain in trying to correct the abnormalities which may be causing one to suffer from depression.

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Cosmetic Dental Procedures that Can Help Your Smile Dazzle

Poets have written many a verse about inspirational and enigmatic smiles. The elusive perfect smile, which has in past generations been limited to the luck of genetics, is now available to everyone. Cosmetic dentistry has removed all barriers to ownership of dazzling smiles. As more and more men and women get more conscious about their smile, cosmetic dentists are offering increasingly varied services.

Whether a childhood fall that led to chipping off of that incisor, those gallons of black coffee devoured while burning the midnight oil, or the once 32 dwindling in numbers due to a parasite invasion popularly called cavities – everything can be corrected with one (or several) swooshes of the cosmetic dentist’s wand. But remember that it isn’t always cheap. Depending on the procedure, you may feel your pocket lighter by one to several thousand dollars.

Some of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures include bonding of front teeth, whitening of yellow teeth, and using tooth-colored fillings, which almost blend in with the natural color of teeth. However, there are still many more that exist. So, here is a list of some key cosmetic dental procedures that can help your smile dazzle:

Bleaching or whitening – Both the enamel and the underlying tooth structure (the dentine) are not impervious to stains, and often yellow over time. Bleaching is a popular method for treating moderately stained or discolored teeth. Here the dentist makes a mold of your teeth to make a custom mouth tray. This mouth tray is filled with bleaching material and is pressed against the tooth surface without letting it come in contact with the gum tissue. The tray is generally worn for up to 2 hours a day. A noticeable improvement can be seen within 2 weeks.

Bonding – Here the dentist ‘bonds’ a tooth-colored resin onto the tooth in order to repair a fractured or worn or chipped tooth. This process can also cover up a discoloration on a tooth, or close a small space or gap between two teeth. The dentist coats the tooth with a bonding liquid and then shines a light on the tooth to set it. All this is done after he prepares the tooth by etching it. A putty-like material is then placed on the tooth which is then made into the desired shape. A trim and polish later, the end product is ready to steal a heart. And the best part is that it will be 3 to 5 years before the bonding may need to be repaired.

Veneering – Porcelain laminate veneers do the same job as bonding does, only it is a stronger way to repair a broken tooth. Veneering can also cover up discoloration and even change the shape or size of your teeth. The process comes with the advantage that the luster will not be lost.

Recontouring uneven teeth – This is basically a procedure to reshape an uneven tooth so that it’s a better match with the entire set.

Braces – Braces are a very common method of changing one’s appearance. An orthodontist who is involved with diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of problems caused by poorly positioned teeth prepares and attaches the braces. These braces come as fixed or removable appliances. The idea is to use this appliance to gently move the teeth and bone until they are in a desirable position. The process may take anywhere between 18 months to 30 months (or sometimes even longer) for the desired result.

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